GEIE Seine Escaut created

A new body has been set up to implement the broad gauge Seine-Nord canal, which is set to enter service in 2015-16...

Seine-Nord doubts

The Class IV Seine-Nord canal project is widely regarded as a matter of future fact and, in some quarters, a commissioning date of 2015 is s...

Seine-Nord Europe tenders called

Total public sector costs for this massive PPP infrastructure scheme are put at E2.13B.The private sector partners will be expected to contr...

North Sea-Mediterranean waterway?

The Seine-Nord canal may not be the only jewel in the crown of Voies Navigables de France (VNF). The organisation has not given up on linkin...

Grand waterway scheme moves forward

For the first time since the 1960s, France is investing in a large scale, inland waterway project. Slated to be operational in 2015, the Sei...

Rhone-Saone barge traffic develops

Container barge distribution to/ from Marseilles-Fos on the Rhône-Saône system reached 29,000 TEU last year, an 11-fold increase since 200...

Marseille looks to the water

A new agreement has been signed between the Port Authority of Marseille (PAM), Cie Nationale du Rhone (CNR) and Voies Navigables de France (...

Mixed message for French waterways

Figures released by Voies Navigables de France (VNF) show that the inland waterways are continuing to recover traffic, with the total up 6.3...

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