Dry box output in the doldrums


Dry freight container builders are facing further difficulties this year, with production having declined to a seven-year low and finished p...

Standards harmonised


In a move the Container Owners Association (COA) is hailing as a “significant breakthrough”, the two container interchange inspection st...

Leasing sector heads into the doldrums

The global box leasing industry suffered a significant setback during 2015, when it purchased proportionally fewer new dry freight container...

Box leasing still in the ascendency

The container leasing sector enjoyed another strong year in 2013, although its pace of fleet growth now appears to be slowing, while rental ...

Box leasing growth comes at a price

The container leasing industry enjoyed another year of strong growth in 2012, although per diem rates again fell faster than newbuild prices...

Reefer lessors still on an upward curve

Leasing companies continued their aggressive purchase of reefer containers during 2012 despite experiencing weaker demand and renewed rate e...

Box leasing ups and downs

Although demand for leased containers held strong into 2011 following the substantial upturn of 2010, it slumped sharply from the second hal...

Big turnout at Singapore reefer forum

Over 125 participants attended the Container Owners Association (COA)’s second forum on contaminated refrigeration systems in Singapore th...

Reefer lessors ride a wave

Reefer production soared in 2011, with leasing companies committing to record levels of investment and fleet expansion....

Reefer production holding steady

Demand for standard dry freight containers may have hit the buffers last year in the wake of the global economic downturn, but reefer produc...

New players enter reefer leasing fray

Reefer container demand held up strongly during 2007, prompting several high-profile lessors to dip their toes in the market for the first t...

Reefer lessors lose ground

Despite the continued strength of the global reefer transport market, reefer leasing companies experienced a relatively quiet year in 2005....

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