Ports focus on unitised cargo flows

Rising container throughput due mainly to Russian transit traffic flows and the thrust of StoraEnso’s Finnish SECU project are the main dr...

Running in order to stand still

Container traffic has been growing strongly in the eastern Baltic, mainly on the strength of rising consumer demand in northwest Russia, the...

Steveco plans paying off

“The pieces are falling into place,” says Olli Parikka, Steveco’s marketing director, of his company’s long-term planning goals....

Helsinki’s future home unclear

The planned move of Helsinki port to Vuossari is now more than 10 years old and looks less and less credible. Helsinki City Council, which c...

Hamina traffic boost

The Finnish port of Hamina has received a boost with the decision of Orient Overseas Container Line (OOCL) to switch the Finland call on its...

Attending to unFinnished business

Kotka and Hamina are often regarded as "twin ports" because of their proximity and their common operation by Steveco Oy. Today, however, the...

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