Downturn hits decal suppliers


Although the majority have other business activities to help fill the gap, the loss of substantial container-related production has had a si...

Container decal sales booming


Although the demand for container decals has risen strongly on the back of a record jump in newbuild production, suppliers of self-adhesive ...

ADAM makes further progress

The paint mask method of container decaling has now been available commercially for over a decade, but despite its proven cost saving and in...

Dado unmasks ADAM

South Korea-based Dado Corporation, which pioneered the "paint mask" alternative to vinyl container decals, is now offering a machine specif...

Still making its mark

The use of paint mask or stencil decals is continuing to gain ground, but it still courts some controversy. Although a growing number of con...

Painting by numbers

Demand for paint stencilling is on the increase as it clearly offers cost savings over vinyl decals. However, it is not without its critics...

Container decal options continue to grow

As established suppliers of conventional vinyl container liveries have come under increased pressure to reduce prices, there has been a rise...

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