Cargolifter gets a lift


Ailing airship manufacturer CargoLifter has been given a last chance. Shareholders have to put up another €20 mill, otherwise, says insolv...

CargoLifter underway


Production of helium-filled CargoLifters is underway in Briesen-Brand, where both the 260m long CL 160 airship and the 61m diameter CL 75 Ai...

The balloon goes up


Cargo Lifter AG, Berlin, has added a cargo balloon design to its cargo airship range. The CL75 AirCrane has a 61m diameter and volume of 110...

Airtrain planning airships

Airtrain Flugschiffbau AG, based in Wilhelmshaven, is another German company which is planning to build "Zeppelins" for the transport of hea...

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