Trouble for Buss Group


The Buss Group, once the second largest stevedoring and terminal operator in Hamburg, and with a stake in many diversified activities all ov...

Will Hamburg miss the Buss?


The Buss group, the third biggest operator in the Port of Hamburg, is to close its Buss Hansa Terminal at Shed 80/81 in the Steinwerder area...

Olympic heights in Hamburg?


The City State of Hamburgā€™s bid for the Summer 2024 or 2028 Olympic and Paralympic Games would appear to settle, once and for all, the fut...

In search of market niches

The mobile harbour crane (MHC) is already the most flexible quayside crane concept and new applications are still being developed....

Hamburg Steinwerder dispute settled

The problems of reconciling existing tenantsā€™ rights and agreeing compensation amounts have finally been resolved...

Trucking on at a good speed

The heavy lift truck market seems to be still running at high levels, even if the peak of 2005-6 is unlikely to be matched in the main conta...

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