Spreading out in all directions

Last year was a bumper one for crane spreader suppliers - not surprising given the record volumes of container crane activity, and 2005 shou...

Options for crane brakes increase

At a recent crane design seminar in Los Angeles, ZPMC’s president and chief engineer Guan Tongxian said that modern post-Panamax cranes ha...

Bubenzer spreads out

Bubenzer has provided more information on its all-electric quay crane spreader, which is in service in Genoa, and the yard crane version in ...

Spread your bets on all-electric?

All-electric yard crane speaders are gaining acceptance, but there are reservations regarding ship-to-shore crane spreaders...

Putting a stop to braking problems

Crane brakes are back in the spotlight after "runaway" incidents in Vancouver, BC, and Surabaya but there is little consensus on how to prev...

Fitting new brakes for old

When brakes are replaced on older cranes, this often means putting in an interface plate so that a new disc brake can be "dropped in" where ...

Extending the brake range

Several brake manufacturers have introduced new brakes as they look to improve market share by covering a wider range of applications...

May the brake force be with you

Two industrial brakes specialists have changed hands recently and the new set-ups could herald a still more competitive environment....

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