Tzaneros returns


As speculated in the September 2005 issue of WorldCargo News (p22), former Smith Bros owner, the Tzaneros family, has returned to the Austra...

Shock decision for PBT3


Port Botany’s third container terminal is to be a 51 hectare, fourberth development to the west of and at right angles to Patrick’s faci...

Sydney up but Freo trade flat


Sydney has again rewritten it container volume record books with 2004-05 figures reaching 1,375,000 TEU, an 8.3 per cent increase over last ...

More delay for PB3T…

Already delayed by a protracted, and at times bitter, public inquiry process (see WorldCargo News March 2005, p9), Port Botany’s third con...

…as MSC confirms Patrick joint venture

The potential split between Patrick and its largest customer, Mediterranean Shipping Company (MSC), has been avoided with MSC confirming tha...

NSW proffers PB3T option

At the mid-February resumption of the high-stakes independent inquiry into the proposed third Port Botany container terminal (see WorldCargo...

P&O post-Panamax in Oz

P&O Ports Australia inaugurated its five-year, 15-unit terminal reequipment programme when ZPMC’s heavy lift vessel ZHEN HUA 5 arrived at ...

Patrick on the offensive

Under increasing attack - along with fellow duopolist P&O Ports - from government and regulatory authorities over a perceived underinvestmen...

Battle for Botany moves on

After being adjourned on the first day of official hearings on May 31, when the New South Wales Government directed Sydney Port Corporation ...

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