Hanjin only runner in Algeciras race

South Korea’s Hanjin Shipping has submitted the only bid for a tender to operate a new container terminal at the Isla Verde Exterior expan...

New Algeciras terminal tender

Provisional figures released by Algeciras port authority (APBA) suggest it handled a total of 73 mt in 2006, mostly containers, an increase ...

Port investments gathering pace

Muelle Fangos, Prat Dock and other major schemes follow hard on the heels of the recently announced expansion programmes at Algeciras....

Not everything in the garden is rosy

Puertos del Estado, Spain’s national ports aency, has reported that the public ports of the mainland and islands handled a total of 410.45...

TCA up and running

Terminal de Contenedores de Algeciras (TCA), the new, common user container terminal on the Isla Verde Quay at the Spanish Port of Algeciras...

Ambitious strategy

Algeciras' record throughput of almost 53 mt last year (+ 10.9 percent) included a 7.1 percent increase in container traffic to 2.15 mTEU. T...

Sweeping changes on the agenda

Port reforms have been promised for years in Spain but the new draft law is in line with European norms and could have more impetus. Stateru...

Algeciras record

The Port of Algeciras Bay hit an all-time record last year of almost 52.75 mill tonnes - 10.91 per cent ahead of 2001 and topping the previo...

Three for Algeciras

Three companies - Urbaser, MSC and Boluda - have indicated that they intend to bid for the concession covering the new container terminal on...

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