African automation debut


APM Terminals has announced plans to invest almost €760M in a fully automated container terminal at Tanger-Med, Morocco, modelled on Maasv...

Orbita announces Kalmar agreement


Orbita and Kalmar have signed an “Exclusive Agency agreement" that appoints Kalmar as sole provider of Orbita systems for Gate and Crane A...

Riga automates

Baltic Container Terminal (BCT) in Riga, Latvia, part of the Mariner Capital Group, is in the process of implementing a full suite of proces...

NAP intake

The first intake of students participating in the new Industrial Systems Automation and Mechatronic Systems programme at Singapore’s Ngee ...

RBS automation goes live in Indonesia

Software supplier Real Time Business Solutions (RBS) has completed one automation project in Indonesia, and is getting ready to go live with...

Singapore’s automated road

The city state is banking on automation and technology to secure its position as the leading transhipment hub in SE Asia....

Gaussin in line for funding

Gaussin has announced funding for a new project from the French National Research Agency, conditional on the company increasing its working ...

Seoho for PSA

PSA Singapore has awarded Seoho of South Korea the contract for crane control and automation system on a further 58 automated RMG cranes for...

Eurogate testing automation

Eurogate is investigating retro-automation at Container Terminal Wilhelmshaven (CTW). The scope includes the eight STS gantry cranes and the...

Kalmar ASCs shift to China

Kalmar, part of Cargotec, said it plans to reorganise operations in Tampere and “deepen cooperation” with its joint venture Rainbow Carg...

More automation orders for ZPMC

ZPMC has won contracts including Automated Stacking Cranes for terminals in Singapore and Vado, Italy....

A better way to travel

ZPMC is developing a low height straddle carrier and a so-called “Shuttle Trolley” for a new automated terminal in Tianjin...

ZPMC deals

ZPMC has booked two orders, for Singapore and Vado, which include equipment automation....

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