UPS tests Gaussin tractor


Gaussin’s “Autonomous-Enabled FULL ELEC Trailer and Swap Body Mover” is being tested with UPS in the UK....

Navis growing through acquisition

Acquiring Biarri Rail adds a SaaS platform with advanced planning, scheduling and optimisation functionality to broaden Navis’s offering....

Yantai Huadong embraces automation

The number of automation projects in China represents an opportunity for software supplier Yantai Huadong to build its competence in this fi...

Advice on automation from PEMA

The Port Equipment Manufacturers Association (PEMA) has published its latest information paper, Automating Yard Operation in Brownfield Cont...

UPS testing automation

Following a Master Supplier Agreement signed between UPS and equipment manufacturer Gaussin in June 2019, UPS is to begin testing Gaussin’...

Making the case for AGVs

ST Engineering believes technology is at the point where more ports will see AGVs as a cost-effective horizontal transport solution that can...

Zeebrugge gets ready for 5G

Finland’s Nokia has completed the first phase of the Port of Zeebrugge’s 5G-ready, industrial-grade private wireless network deployment....

Oz union seeks to stop automation

The Maritime Union of Australia (MUA), a division of the Construction, Forestry, Maritime, Mining and Energy Union (CFMMEU), is trying to fo...

Kuenz RTGs into the USA

Kuenz has booked a breakthrough order for its unique FreeRider RTG design in the USA...

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