Going west and coming up


Ports in West Africa face tremendous pressure from rapid ly rising trade volumes, but existing facilities are being upgraded and new ports a...

Batten down the hatches


Analysts’ reports on the liner shipping industry and the sector’s prospects for 2016 paint a stormy picture....

Setting store by electric RTGs

Onboard energy storage could become an important asset to electric RTGs, reducing power consumption from the grid and helping to ensure resi...

ZPMC on the automation trail

With three automated terminal projects underway in China, and more in the planning stages, ZPMC is racing to meet a diverse range of require...

…and wins 25-year Rwanda concession

DP World has been granted a 25-year concession to develop and operate a new logistics centre in Kigali, Rwanda. This is a “greenfield” c...

UK access criticised

DB Schenker Rail UK (DBSRUK) is not happy with the conclusion of the investigation by the regulator, the Office of Rail and Road (ORR), into...

Chittagong hits 2M TEU

The port of Chittagong, Bangladesh, handled a record number of containers in 2015 and, in the process, broke through the 2M TEU barrier. Tot...

Mundra doubling up

Terminal Investment Ltd (TIL), the port development and operating arm of MSC, and Adani Ports and Special Economic Zone Ltd are to effective...

Shanghai moves on emissions

Mobile equipment suppliers in the Shanghai area have reported that some container terminals are preparing to purchase equipment with Stage I...

SITC eyes Cambodia

SITC Container Lines is keen to expand its operating presence in Cambodia, a market that it views as having both sustainable and strong grow...

Turmoil in Valencia

Valencia port authority (APV) has decided to suspend all activities of former president Rafael Aznar in the international arena until an ong...

Montevideo rule changes?

The government of Uruguay may allow dedicated STS container cranes to operate on public quays in the port of Montevideo, something that is c...

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