Patrick woes hit Sydney trade


Ongoing labour and equipment issues at Patrick’s Port Botany terminal appear to be having an impact on Sydney Ports Corporation (SPC)’s ...

Nuneaton Chord inaugurated


A key piece of rail infrastructure facilitating modal shift has been opened by the UK track authority, Network Rail...

Santos Brasil ownership change?

The controlling shareholders of Santos Brasil, South America’s biggest container terminal group, are said to be close to agreeing a new ow...

Hoyer’s “smart” IBCs

Hamburg-based bulk liquids logistics service provider Hoyer has started to equip its intermediate bulk containers (IBCs) with radio frequenc...

GNTC opposes French rail reforms

France's national combined transport association has come out against the plan to bring all French rail organisations under a single new org...

ICTSI reports traffic slowdown

Revenue from port operations was 5% higher at US$179.7M during the quarter, and is up by 7% for the first nine months of the year to US$524....

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