New chief for Brisbane


Q Port Holdings, the new owner of the 99-year operating lease at the port of Brisbane, has appointed former Prime Infrastructure heavyweight...

Good FIT for FESCO

FESCO Transportation Group has reorganised the management system of its container business with the formation of a single logistics integrat...

Teesport milestone

PD Ports has announced that Teesport set a new container throughput record in 2010, handling 150,000 containers for the first time in a cale...

US$105M for Crescent Corridor

The US Transportation Department (DOT) said the signing of a US$105M Recovery Act grant agreement with state transportation departments in A...

Crane runaway in Darwin

The Port of Darwin in Australia’s Northern Territories was fortunate nobody was injured when a runaway container crane ran into a crawler ...

CommerceGuard closes

CommerceGuard AB, the container tracking service jointly owned by GE Security, Mitsubishi Corporation, Samsung C&T Corporation and Siemens B...

UIC combined transport report

The 2010 report on rail/road combined transport in Europe has been published by the UIC and its combined transport group...

CommerceGuard closes

CommerceGuard AB, the container tracking service jointly owned by GE Security, Mitsubishi Corporation, Samsung C&T Corporation and Siemens B...

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