New forces arise in the Med


After rapid growth over the past year, Morocco’s Tanger Méditerranée (Tanger Med) project remains on course to become a leading hub in t...

Hybrid RTGs gaining ground


Hybrid drives are gaining acceptance with RTG operators, but in the final analysis they need to reduce idling time and increase utilisation ...

Deepsea bananas

Maersk Line has successfully carried out a trial shipment of bananas from Davao in the Philippines to Rotterdam in the Netherlands using ree...

554K TEU absorbed by ESS

According to Paris-based liner shipping consultancy Alphaliner, extra slow steaming (ESS) has created employment for almost 100 ships with a...

One shot container unloader from Actiw

Having succesfully developed the LoadPlate “one shot” loader for long and awkward loads that would otherwise require the shipper or stuf...

Bangladesh builds inland box terminal

Bangladesh’s first inland river container terminal, being built at Pangaon along the Buriganga River, is expected to open in January or Fe...

Kuwait deal for Liebherr

During TOC Europe in Valencia earlier this month, Liebherr-Werk Nenzing signed a contract worth €2.975M with Al Ghanim & Al Majid Group Lo...

Contargo’s hub concept

Germany-based logistics specialist and inland terminal operator Contargo GmbH & Co KG has come up with a proposal for a mega-hub for inland ...

FreightLink finally finds a buyer

Several years after first being offered for sale, Adelaide-Darwin rail operator FreightLink has finally been sold - to one of its original s...

Uruguay terminal review

According to a report by BNamericas, Uruguayan authorities are to review the project to concession a second container terminal at the Port o...

China box production picking up

China’s dry freight container production is expected to reach 1.5M TEU this year and top 2M TEU next year as demand is boosted by a strong...

First Felixstowe South cranes arrive

The first three ship-to-shore gantry cranes for the Port of Felixstowe’s new Felixstowe South development were recently delivered fully er...

Fourth AGV terminal

Pictured right is the world’s fourth automated container terminal to operate with AGVs, after ECT Rotterdam, CTA Hamburg and Euromax Rotte...

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