People on the move


Some recent appointments of relevance to the global ports, rail and logistic services supply sectors...

Signs of recovery at Marseilles Fos

Container throughput at Marseilles Fos reached 583,779 TEU to the end of August, a 4% increase on the first eight months of last year...

Russia accedes to COTIF

The Russian Federation has made an application for accession to the Convention concerning International Carriage by Rail (COTIF) and hence t...

Ports of Amsterdam to be corporatised

It looks as though the municipally-owned ports authority will become a limited liability company, with the city, province and the Dutch stat...

Cavotec MSL report first half results

The marine and ports engineering and equipment group reports satisfaction with its first half results, given the global context...

Lehnkering acquires Buss Safelox

Hamburg-based Buss Group has sold its Safelox arm to steel and chemicals industries logistics specialist Lehnkering, for an undisclosed pric...

Road transport sector on the ropes

Based on a survey conducted amongst its members in 74 countries, the International Road Transport Union (IRU) told the United Nations Econom...

Delphis Logistics offers door to door

Delphis has announced that its newly created subsidiary Delphis Logistics will start offering European door-door services as from the 1 Octo...

NITL refutes "anti-CAAP" charges

The National Industrial Transportation League (NITL) has refuted claims made by various environmental interest groups that it opposed the Po...

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