More needed in Colombo


Sri Lanka’s Colombo port needs to move fast to build new deepwater container terminals if it is to remain competitive, according to Amal R...

Problems for Táranto


Captain Giancarlo Russo has resigned his post as CEO of Táranto Container Terminal SpA (TCT) in protest against what he sees as the port au...

Brunei for ICTSI


The Sultan of Brunei Darussalam has given the Brunei Economic Development Board (BEDB) the go-ahead to award to International Container Term...

Ghana grants box handling monopoly

The Ghana Ports and Harbours Authority (GPHA) has given Meridian Port Services (MPS) exclusive rights to handle cargo from ships carrying 50...

Multi-purpose option from Phaeros

Belgian software developer Phaeros is looking to fill a market niche with a TOS that manages containerised and general cargo in a single app...

Melbourne overflowing with boxes

Australia’s largest container port handled a daily average of more than 6,600 containers in August to set a new national monthly volume re...

Last chance for “The Sixth”

The Sixth - the consortium of PSA-Sinport, FS Trenitalia and Cosco formed to compete for the contested (with Contship Italia SpA) concession...

Punta Colonet: tomorrow or mañana?

Doubts remain about the viability and rationale of a megapuerto at Colonet Bay, but meanwhile progress is being made at existing Mexican por...

TSB takes two

Korea’a Total Softbank (TSB) has won important contracts with Ports of Auckland Ltd (POAL) and the Port of Gothenburg to replace existing ...

Granskog to Cavotec

Christer Granskog, a former president and CEO of Kalmar Industries, part of Cargotec Corporation, has been co-opted to the Board of Director...

Putting a premium on mobility

There has been plenty of mobile harbour crane business around this year and more new markets have been opened up....

Clouds gather over a nervous market

There is still guarded optimism regarding the state of the project cargo shipping market and operators are continuing to order new ships, bu...

Putting an end to maintenance fees

New Jersey-based software consultancy Advent Inc has completed development of a terminal management system for Ceres Terminals Inc’s Port ...

RTG production picks up again

The global RTG supply industry has been kept busy in 2008, with 614 cranes already due for delivery this year, compared with 681 in 2007 and...

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