Auto RTGs

Mitsubishi Heavy Industries (MHI) has received an order for 12 remote-controlled, automated RTGs and three quayside cranes from Tobishima Co...

Taiwan adds two ports for China trade


Taiwan has designated the ports of Keelung in the north and Taichung on the central coast as “offshore shipping centres.” They join t...

Four scanners for ICTSI

International Container Terminal Services Inc (ICTSI) has reiterated its intention to acquire an initial four X-ray scanners to ensure thoro...

Ust-Luga progress


US$20 mill general cargo terminal is now slated to open at the new Russian Baltic Port of Ust-Luga by summer next year....

MOL in China logistics deal

Mitsui OSK Lines (MOL) has signed a letter of intent to participate in the Qianhaiwan Logistics Park project in Mawan, western Shenzhen, Chi...

Panama faces canal expansion decision


Martin Torrijos, the son of former dictator Omar Torrijos, has been voted in as Panama’s next president. His presidential term, set to ...

China box volumes soar again

China’s major ports handled 12.68 mill TEU in the first quarter of this year, up 24.7 per cent over the same period of last year. Nearly 9...

Intermodal rail scene heats up

The rail intermodal scene in Italy has witnessed a recasting of alliances which has largely placed the two big players, Railion and Trenital...

How to get more out of IT

More and more container terminal operators are addressing the need to integrate into the supply chain and share information held in their te...

Terminal XXI handles its first ship


The arrival of the first ship to be handled at the Port of Sines’ Container Terminal XXI development, marks what could be the end of an...

Following a well-tried trail

Recent high levels of container yard crane demand have inevitably led eventually to an upsurge in demand for tractor/trailer sets for intern...

Ways to play the power game

More and more crane users and crane designers are willing to consider replacing the conventional festoon on a quayside crane with a cable or...

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