Who can do what to whom?


Control over the rail network is a key issue in the power play between established railways and "newcomers." Germany makes an interesting ca...

New Brenner traction


Kombiverkehr and Cemat have started their own train service across the Brenner. Traction is provided by Lokomotion Rail Traction (LRT) of Mu...

Drive to bigger containerships

How fast is fast enough? Will new propulsions systems make it easier to introduce still bigger ships? And what is the scope for "fast ships"...

Trailers from Fabrisem

Spain-based Fabrisem SL is claiming growing success in the port trailer market, notably in Spain, Portugal and Italy. Starting this year it ...

Model railway goes for a refit

With Railtrack put into administration, the British rail privatisation model has collapsed, amid a welter of mutual recrimination and bitter...

Pyrenees rail link

After years of discussion, the French and Spanish governments have signed an accord to develop a double-tracked, standard gauge rail link th...

Light the white touch paper?

The European Commission's "white paper" on transport up to 2010 (WorldCargo News, September 2001, p13) has generally gone down well in combi...


As previously reported, a key aspect of the railfreightonline project is the ICU 5000 tracking system and fleet management service from Isot...

Iberia suite

Spain's development minister Francisco Alvarez Cascos has reitereated his government's commitment to deregulate rail freight in line with EU...

Drinking up time

The railfreightonline web site provides regular updates on the technical trials of the Amec FMU between Bulmers' Hereford and the EWS termin...

Rail bidders face further delays

Thanks to a federal election in Australia this month, the sell-off of the National Rail Corporation and FreightCorp seems unlikely to reach ...

IRU points CO2 finger at RoLA

The IRU has undermined the notion that rail freight is "greener" than trucking by publishing preliminary findings of a study it commissioned...

Audit decries rail shortcomings

The Victorian Government's Transport, Distribution and Logistics (TDL) audit (see last month's WorldCargo News p19) has highlighted problems...

TLV from Austal Ships

In July Austal Ships signed a contract with the US Marine Corps to charter a 101m 36-knot high speed theatre logistics vessel (TLV)....

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